Thursday, July 18, 2024

History of Mutual Funds in India

The mutual fund industry in India has a rich history, evolving significantly over the decades. Here is an overview of its development:

 Early Beginnings

1963: The journey of mutual funds in India began with the establishment of the Unit Trust of India (UTI) by an Act of Parliament. UTI was the first and only mutual fund company in the country, and it operated under the control of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). 

1964: UTI launched its first scheme, Unit Scheme 1964 (US-64), which became highly popular among investors.

Entry of Public Sector Funds

1987: The public sector banks and financial institutions entered the mutual fund space. Key players included:

- State Bank of India Mutual Fund

- Canara Bank Mutual Fund

- Punjab National Bank Mutual Fund

These institutions brought new schemes and increased the reach of mutual funds across the country.

Monday, August 07, 2023

Top Mutual Funds Schemes One Must Have

Picking a best Mutual Fund schemes always a confusing option for Investors as no particular scheme gives consistent top returns year-wise.

Here, I have taken more than 5 years average returns (CAGR), Fund Size (Assets) and Portfolio in consideration choosing Mutual Funds.

Securities and Exchange Board of India under Section 3 of SEBI Act 1992 to protect the interest of Investors in Securities, classified Mutual Funds into 3 Main Categories:

Categories Difference

Risk Type

Min. Invest Duration




5 to 7 Yrs.

15% - 25%



3 to 4 Yrs.

8% - 12%



6 M to 1 Yr.

3% - 8%

Friday, August 04, 2023

All-Time Blue Chip Stocks for Indian Investors (KOSMOS)

There’s always been a challenging in picking good Stocks. Now-a-days, trading / investment in Share Markets has become trend which in-fact become living source for many who wants grow their hard earned income against growing inflation.

Out of more than 7000 Companies, around 5000 Stocks listed in Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) while around 2000 Stocks in National Stock Exchange (NSE).

SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India) has categorized Indian Stocks based on Market Capitalization and various Sectors into different Indices.

Companies enter into Secondary Markets through IPO (Initial Public Offering) with Face Value of 10 / 5 / 2.

Stock Companies based on

A)   Market Capitalization:

Large Caps – Top 100

Mid-Caps – 101 to 250th

Small-Caps – 251 to 500th

Micro-Caps – 501 & Rest.